Circle Investigations
This list of resources are the examples of the resources covering the topic of circles on the resource collection.
Circles and Cylinders
There are a number of files in this resource. The main text book has a good selection of standard questions with the extra questions being more challenging. I particularly like the activities sheet. Activity 3, window design is my favourite. I remove the opening sentence, and the questions. I then discuss with the students what they can tell be without doing any calculations. We proceed to calculate the proportion of coloured to plain glass sin each window. I only suggest measurements to groups who require this scaffolding. Other activities include the running track activity.
This link leads to a collection of over 2000 SMILE works cards. The circles cards can be found at
The worksheet asking for the area of the grey area in between the reds circles is at the end of pack 2.
SMILE Mathematics Books
The SMILE books collection contains the Making Sense Series, the Activity books, Handling data books, Question cards for assessment, Numeracy: Lesson Starters and Enders and Nice ideas in One Place